Saturday, February 1, 2014

Bioshock Infinite: The Elizabeth Problem

To begin our journey into what the gaming industry has incorrect, we should go for something not quite hot, not quite cold. Still in the minds of the industry, and still having content to mine it for.

Bioshock Infinite is a game about how America is terrible and the entire world would benefit if the entire country decided to just live in the sky and pay no heed to the outside world, since everyone in the country will immediately turn into a psychotic murderer as soon as they have enough power. Quite a far flung conclusion from their previous entries in the series, whose message was follow your dreams and you’ll turn into psychotic physically malformed murderers who wish to eat little girls.

Ken Levine's team really knows what they're doing story wise, and I'm certain Irrational knew exactly where to put the funds to this wonderful story.

 But while the game has a heartwarming message of how all humanity is terrible, there’s a small problem within that belief. Unfortunately, those behind Bioshock seem to believe that even one member of humanity could be considered a good person.

That person is the game’s non-playable protagonist, Elizabeth. Oh I’m certain many different reviewers have told different things. That she’s “offensive” for having an open bust, that her powers should mean she is the playable character. But these are minor gripes stated by those who don’t understand this true issue. While I could go into detail on and on of how it’s terrible for them to make a character that’s possibly a good person, I’m afraid there’s been a much worse sin committed by the team behind the game.

The perversion of the sacred escort mission.

Many of you perhaps do not understand what I speak of, as to be expected. To elaborate, Elizabeth is the character with which you escort for most of the game. But she is invincible. And this is but one of many horrid perversions of the escort scenario. True gamers would realize that the lack of need to keep constant tabs on her means that you don’t have to slowly inch in not just for said characters safety, but in order to get the good ending.  They would understand the joy of having a useless escort blunder into a room full of hostiles and kill themselves, thus destroying what could most likely have been hours of progress if the game is well made enough to not include save points. It should be understood that a character like that is intended to be hated, that their sole purpose is to be nothing but a bile factory, something for the entire fan base to rise up against as the most infuriating feature of the game.

But it is not enough that this character is invincible. She’s helpful! The audacity of making a character who in the midst of combat will throw you energy, ammo, even money! I should be hating her as I waste precious ammunition to keep her safe that I would have saved for a boss battle. I should be cramming food item and health pack after health pack into her to desperately keep her alive. She even has the audacity to occasionally revive the player character. It does not even require any effort on your part, it's merely a few scenes of Elizabeth attempting to revive! A proper escort would have it in reverse, with the player attempting to revive Elizabeth when she's inevitably taken down. But instead of a cut scene of desperate emergency medicine, it should be a near impossible quick time even mini game where one wrong button press leaves her for dead, AND you are completely out in the open, with enemies having a sudden burst in AI as they gun you down. Although I suppose a saving grace is that you can’t merely be constantly revived by her, a small reminder that these programmers knew what an escort mission is truly intended to be.

I hope that my readers have been enlightened to the true problem of this game, one that makes me physically ill whenever I think such thoughts were approved. If my readers need remember one lesson, let it be this:

If the player’s controller isn’t broken by their rage, you as a programmer have failed to create a proper escort mission.

Bioshock Infinite gets an America out of the Universe.

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